Learn how to create a safe and supportive environment for career conversations with your child, making them more willing to talk about the topic and share their ideas.

Discover how to help your child identify jobs that they are truly interested in so they're motivated to explore further and learn the essential details.

Learn a simple research process you can teach your child to quickly find critical job details so they'll know what's actually involved in a job of interest and make an informed decision.

About the Course:

Hey, awesome parent!  I'm Jay DuSold, the founder of Life After 12th and your course instructor.  This course is for parents who want to play an active role in helping their child figure out their career path but just don't know what to do. Drawing on ten years of experience as a next-gen career guide, I'll be walking you through the four basic ingredients required for successful career guidance and showing you to take action and implement what you're learning.  As far as I know, this is the only resource that exists to equip and empower parents on this topic. I believe it will provide you with a firm foundation to come alongside your child to continue providing support and assistance as you've been doing since day one! I'm looking forward to sharing this passion of mine with you so you can become clear and confident on becoming a successful career guide! All the best, Jay

Course Curriculum:

  1. 1

    Me? A Career Guide?

    1. (Included in full purchase)

      Start Here

    2. (Included in full purchase)

      Yes, You . . . A Career Guide!

    3. (Included in full purchase)

      Take the Challenge

    4. (Included in full purchase)

      Watch the Chapter

    5. (Included in full purchase)

      Listen to the Chapter

  2. 2

    Foundation 1: A safe Relationship

    1. (Included in full purchase)

      Foundation 1 Introduction

    2. (Included in full purchase)

      STEP 1: Clear Past Mistakes

    3. (Included in full purchase)

      STEP 2: Create Safety and Openness

    4. (Included in full purchase)

      STEP 3: Communicate Positivity and Encouragement

    5. (Included in full purchase)

      Chapter Quiz

    6. (Included in full purchase)

      Watch the Chapter

    7. (Included in full purchase)

      Listen to the Chapter

  3. 3

    Foundation 2: Self-Initiated Ownership

    1. (Included in full purchase)

      Foundation 2 Introduction

    2. (Included in full purchase)

      Helping Your Kid Discover a Job of Interest

    3. (Included in full purchase)

      Chapter Quiz

    4. (Included in full purchase)

      Watch the Chapter

    5. (Included in full purchase)

      Listen to the Chapter

  4. 4

    Foundation 3: Vital Information

    1. (Included in full purchase)

      Foundation 3 Introduction

    2. (Included in full purchase)

      Job-Awareness 1: Keep Them in Control

    3. (Included in full purchase)

      Job-Awareness 2: Job-of-Interest Research Framework

    4. (Included in full purchase)

      Job-Awareness 3: Job-of-Interest Research Methods

    5. (Included in full purchase)


    6. (Included in full purchase)


    7. (Included in full purchase)

      Take it to Your Child

    8. (Included in full purchase)

      Chapter Quiz

    9. (Included in full purchase)

      Watch the Chapter

    10. (Included in full purchase)

      Listen to the Chapter

  5. 5

    Foundation 4: Question-Based Mentoring

    1. (Included in full purchase)

      Foundation 4 Introduction

    2. (Included in full purchase)

      Turn Concerns Into Questions

    3. (Included in full purchase)

      Chapter Quiz

    4. (Included in full purchase)

      Watch the Chapter

    5. (Included in full purchase)

      Listen to the Chapter

  6. 6

    Congrats on Your Completion!

    1. (Included in full purchase)

      You Did It!

    2. (Included in full purchase)

      Watch the Chapter

    3. (Included in full purchase)

      Listen to the Chapter

Wanna say goodbye to not knowing how to help your career-confused child?

You're one click away from making that your reality!